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Ivan Radovanovic's blog

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Clean package cache

Run pkg clean. Quite logical, but I keep forgetting command.

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Importing SSL certificates into Mono store

Run cert-sync --user /etc/ssl/cert.pem. Omit --user to synchronize for entire system (note that this installs them in /usr/share/.mono rather than /usr/local/share/.mono).

Without this you might be experiencing errors like "Ssl error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" or similar

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

When application is not listed in preferred applications in MATE

Reason for this is application .desktop file missing MimeType specification. For example for me mplayer and thunderbird are not listed as choices for video and mail respectively. To fix this edit application's .desktop file (in /usr/local/share/applications directory, or in ~/.local/share/applications) and run update-desktop-database afterwards (with -v to show its warnings).

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Get list of manually installed packages

To get list of manually installed packages (ie, those not installed as dependencies) use this command:
pkg query -e '%a = 0' %o | sort

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Unzip files with unicode names

In case normal unzip can't handle them properly (I was unable to make it do it properly) use 7 zip instead (package p7zip) - command to use is
7z x path_to_zip

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Making timelapse video

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

If Java applets don't work after installing IcedTea

Obviously plugin has to be enabled when building IcedTea. Apparently some systems (like iLo) can't use java web start with OpenJDK. For them applets have to be used but by default they won't open in Firefox - for iLo to work without surprises it is necessary to choose "always activate" for java plugin (Tools > Add-ons > Plugins, then find IcedTea-Web and choose "Always Activate" for it).

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Mono 4.8.1 with TLS 1.2 on FreeBSD

TLS 1.2 is not enabled in default version of Mono 4.8.1 port for FreeBSD.

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

MATE 1.12.1 and FreeBSD 10.3

One place to put all little tweaks to make it work better with FreeBSD.

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Too much antialiasing when rendering fonts with new freetype2

In case there is too much antialiasing there it can be reverted to old behavior by setting environment variable FREETYPE_PROPERTIES to truetype:interpreter-version=35 (port gives suggestion of using "truetype:interpreter-version=35 cff:no-stem-darkening=1 autofitter:warping=1" but for me these extra options make no difference). More about available options can be found in freetype2 documentation (/usr/local/share/doc/freetype2/reference/ft2-toc.html section "Controlling FreeType Modules", if documentation is installed).


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